SAHLA 2017 Languages Symposium

SAHLA 2017 Languages Symposium

SAHLA 2017 Languages Education Symposium:

“Languages Learning: Cultural Connections”

SAHLA held its annual Languages Sympsoium on Saturday October 14, 2017 at the Executive Royal Inn.

Sixty five participants from SAHLA’s language schools joined us for a productive and inspiring day of workhops and sharing. Our keynote speaker was Hon. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Alberta Community and Social Services, who spoke on behalf of David Eggen, Minister of Alberta Education.

Speakers and topics included:

Azren Raju “A Journey of Becoming Multilingual”

A presentation discussing how he has learned the 5 languages that he speaks, and why it matters.

Ana-Marija Petrunic, Manager Teaching & Learning ESL, U of C Continuing Education

A presentation on the University of Calgary Teaching Second Language (TSL) Professional Development Program.

Sanimar Sarpal, Acting System Principal, Global Learning, Calgary Board of Education

An overview of the Calgary Board of Education Second Language Programs and the CBE International Certificate Program, of which CBE students studying languages at SAHLA’s member language schools are given credit towards the International Certificate.

Constantine Ioannou, International Languages Educators’ Association (ILEA). Principles of Language Learning, “Foundations for Teaching”

Constantine reflected on his experiences as a language learner, advocate and teacher, and lessons learned after 25 years teaching, approaches to the development of learning opportunities and how a school system should consider and foster good language learning within the community.

Constantine also shared an outline of the Ministry-mandated program of International Languages (IL) in the province of Ontario and how this mandate of several decades ago has helped to create a society that is more cohesive, inclusive and linguistically and culturally aware.

Michael Embaie, President, SAHLA

Michael spoke about the purpose and background of SAHLA, and the importance of languages learning. Michael also spoke on SAHLA’s support of the Premier and Education Minister’s anti racism-strategy. He also shared key recommendations for the Education Minister to assist SAHLA and its schools. Recommendations included Alberta Education and CBE provide low-cost or free classroom rental space for community language schools. And Alberta Education provide an honorarium for language instructors.

Keynote Speaker:

Hon. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Community and Social Services

Minister Sabir spoke on the economic, social, cultural and health importance of international languages education and the role of SAHLA and community-based language schools.

Rosanna Sing, Multilingual Services, Calgary Public Library

The free Calgary Public Library resources available to help teachers, students and parents expand language schools.

“Community Language School Panel Session & Discussion around Common School Issues”

Principals from a variety of schools will share some highlights about their school programs including brief history, purpose of school, number of students/teacher/volunteers, curriculum, activities, challenges and successes.

Schools included:

Alberta Chung Wah Chinese School – Susan Eng

Eritrean Language School of Calgary – Tesfai Dimtzu

Japanese Language School of Calgary – Miho Kennedy

Malayalam Language School of Calgary – Abraham Isaac

PCCF Philipino School of Calgary – Aurora Dacanay

Spanish School of Calgary – Vanesa Karla

Common school issues include:

School Management (including fundraising); School Operations; Curriculum Development and Assessment;

Collaboration with Country of Origin; Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers/Students/Parents/Volunteers.

Acknowledgements: Alberta Education, Alberta Lottery Fund. Speakers include Constantine Ioannou, International Language Educators Association (ILEA) Ontario; Rosanna Sing, Newcomer Services Outreach Assistant, Calgary Public Library; Azren Raju the Language Nerd; Ana Petrunic, Continuing Education, University of Calgary; Global Learning, Calgary Board of Education.